Tuesday, March 24, 2009


I was just checking out the website of a local photographer who was at the Olympia meet, since the person taking photos for me didn't get all my lifts. How is it that I am making some sort of face in EVERY SINGLE PICTURE?!? Well, not in the bench press ones, but you can't really see my face in those because of the spotters. Maybe it IS better to take the photos from a distance...yeesh. Of course, can one really be expected to look pretty while wearing that much spandex and lifting heavy weights? Probably not. But a girl can still hope. *sigh*

Monday, March 9, 2009

State Championship Results!

Hi, I'm back from the Washington State Power Lifting championships in Olympia. Here's how I did:

Squat 275.5 lbs
Bench press 143.5 lbs
Dead lift 325.0 lbs
TOTAL 744 lbs

Not bad for just my third competition, and for lifting raw no less. :-) These numbers break my prior Washington State USAPL records and are American records as well.

I had a tough time resting the week before the meet, as I'm so used to working out intensely all the time, but it was definitely worth it. What's next? Maybe the Raw Nationals in July...