Sunday, September 23, 2007

Benching hiatus

As you can see from last week's stats (week of 9/17), I am on hiatus from benching, pending diagnosis of a shoulder injury. It could be that I have a couple of ribs popping out again, or some tendon problems, but I have had both before and it doesn't feel like those. More likely it's just that the shoulder muscles are a little stressed, and need conditioning.

I will leave the official diagnosis to Kevin, my wonderful physical therapist, on Tuesday. In the meantime, I have been doing shoulder exercises with light weights, lots of stretching, and using the heating pad when I get a chance to sit down for a few minutes (which means rarely). I dislike using the light weights and told Cory, "Barbie called...she wants her dumbbells back," last week when he handed me the five pounders for some deltoid work. ;-) I was a bit at loose ends on Friday without bench press or even incline presses since I was keeping my shoulder out of it, so I hope that this gets resolved soon.

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