Thursday, September 27, 2007

Shoulder injury update

I went to see Kevin, my physical therapist, on Tuesday and the news is good. My ribs are all staying in place. The injury in my shoulder is a slight strain of the muscles and tendons at the 'head of the bicep' which is where the bicep muscle joins the shoulder. My rotator cuff muscles are a little irritated from compensating for the bicep, but are OK otherwise. Kevin thought another 1 - 2 weeks and it would be resolved.

So, I will have to take it easy lifting tomorrow, just to be safe, but I can fill in with other exercises (though, alas, ones that aren't as fun). This just underscores the need for me to work on my rotator cuff and shoulder muscles to make sure they are strong enough to take the weight of the lifts I am doing.

Yesterday was leg day and we kicked things up on squats. It will be nice "just" to run my intervals for cardio today.

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