Tuesday, October 9, 2007

the endorphins made me do it

I am still not quite sure how he managed to do this, but yesterday Cory convinced me to give up processed carbs (mainly my breakfast cereal and bread) AND my daily mocha for two weeks. In case you are worried that the world might not be safe, let me assure you that I still get to have coffee. Only now, it's going to be a latte with sugar-free syrup in it. My mocha was pretty much the only place I was allowing myself chocolate anymore, so the world still may still be at risk.

Even though the power lifting and running intervals is doing a nice job of reducing my body fat, these extreme measures are an attempt to speed things up. Cory has been right about a lot of this stuff so far, so I felt compelled to give it a shot. That, and he waited to spring it on me until the end of my workout, when I was having an endorphin rush. He's a tricky one; I would probably not have agreed to give up my mocha otherwise. Of course, I did draw the line at his suggestion that I add cottage cheese to my diet. I mean, there are sacrifices I am willing to make, and then there's insanity.

This morning was OK; I ordered and consumed my latte without so much as a whimper. Yet, I know darker days are ahead and am steeling myself for when the chocolate cravings get bad. Of course, there is still the pseudo-chocolate in my protein shakes, which taste better to me all the time as my memory of real chocolate fades.

Anyone out there want to suffer with me? Here's the plan for the next 2 weeks:

Breakfast: berry and soymilk smoothie OR oatmeal, OK to add protein shake
AM snack: latte with sugar-free syrup and some almonds
Lunch: 4 oz. of protein and veggies, no bread or pasta
PM snack: protein shake and fruit
Dinner: protein, veggies, OK to have whole wheat pasta up to 2x per week

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