Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Just rolling along

Last week was fairly uneventful from a workout standpoint. I am staying at the same levels for bench and dead lift while my shoulder continues to heal. My PT originally said it would take 2 weeks but as he realized that a couple of muscles in my rotator cuff were also affected, he adjusted the timeline. It is now looking like I will be done with treatment in early November.

I am continuing to experiment with the reduction in processed carbs. I don't like the taste of the sugar-free syrups in my latte (and who knows what carcinogens are in those anyway) so have switched to using honey as a sweetener instead. Cory was right that the change would help me drop fat faster, and I'm simultaneously glad that he found a solution and annoyed that he was right...again.

For those who have asked, here is a typical workout program in brief:

Leg day:
*Squats - warmup set of 6-8 reps at 1/2 max weight; then 5 sets of 5 reps each at max weight. When all 5 sets can be done with good form and without excessive fatigue, move up 5 - 10 pounds the following week.
Leg press - optional. I just like to do it and amaze people when they see me lifting all those plates! 3 sets of 4, moving up in weight as you go
Leg extension - using the weight machine to get the hamstrings (back of legs) to balance the quadriceps, which you are working with the squats and presses. 3 sets of 10 - 12, increasing weight each set.
Lunges - either weighted lunges on the Smith machine (barbell on a pulley system) or with walking lunges with dumbbell weights. 2 sets of 10 - 12
Calf raises - 3 sets of 10 - 12, increasing weight each set. Optional unless you have skinny calves. :-)

Back day:
*Dead lift - warmup set of 6 - 8 reps at 1/2 max weight; then 5 sets of 3 reps each at max weight. As with squats, move up when all 5 sets are done well and relatively easily.
Gravitron chin-ups - if you can do chin-ups with all your body weight, good for you. I can't, so I use the gravitron machine which offsets part of my weight. Go for 2 sets of 8.
One-arm seated pulley rows - optional, 2 sets of 10 - 12
Bicep curls with barbell - 3 sets of 10 - 12

Chest day:
*Bench press - warmup set with 1/2 max weight; then 5 sets of 3 reps each at max weight. You know the drill.
Incline press or incline fly - 3 sets of 8 - 10
Lat raises - 3 sets of 8 - 10
Gravitron dips - use the gravitron machine to offset some of your body weight and do dips. Make those tricepts burn!! 3 sets of 10-12.
Tricep extension with pulley -- 3 sets of 10-12.

*On each day's workout, you start with the power lift (the one you would do in competition) for that body part. You start with that lift at the beginning of the workout when you are rested, and then all subsequent exercises are building the supporting musculature to help you increase strength.
**Also note that I do a few ab / core exercises on each of these days. Usually some crunches (either on the floor or on a balance ball), some planks and stuff like that.

I will try to post some notes about correct form soon...it will help me to remember and will hopefully prevent any of you from getting hurt.

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