Monday, November 5, 2007


I had great plans for last weekend. I was going to do a killer back workout after karate practice. And then, in karate class, I injured my right calf. I haven't had it looked at yet, so I'm not sure exactly what the extent of the injury is. But here's what happened:

The sempai (higher belt) teaching the class had us doing some wind sprints after warm-up, which involved some hopping (not sure why that was supposed to help our skills, but whatever). I was a couple of hops away when it felt as though someone had kicked me really hard in the back of the leg, so much so that I actually looked behind me and said, "what the..." This was accompanied by extreme pain and the inability to walk normally on my right leg.

I had to sit out the rest of the class and then elevated and iced the calf as soon as I got home. So, I spent all weekend on the couch with the ice pack, hobbling around the house when I needed to or when I got bored. But, no back workout or anything else that could be construed as useful.

From what I understand, if it was an achilles tendon tear, I wouldn't be able to walk or put weight on it, so it's more likely a severe sprain of the calf muscle, or a tear...something like that.

So - most likely I will not be power lifting for a few weeks while this is resolved. It's a nice opportunity to mix my workouts up a bit, I just won't have any updated stats for a while.

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